Monday, January 20, 2014

We're back! (I'm back)

Hello! I'm back with a few posts, sorry that we've been pretty inactive, we just forgot to blog and too caught up with school, all of that stuff. I'll try to post more, I'm not sure about my sister but we'll see. Alright, so today is obviously Monday, and that means the rare item! It is these brown and green leaves, and I love the green, I wish it was the color on top, oh well!
 And here are the items from a few weeks ago, mainly ski related stuff, but also a AJ wrist band, which is pretty cool if I must say so myself, but I'd never buy it. It's just not my type. ;3
 And then these lovely den items! I love the snow paw print, I think it would be a nice touch in those ice forts. Or any den really, since they are pretty cool, I'm thinking about getting one myself.
 That's all for now, happy jamming everyone!

1 comment:

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